Header-Bild für AICon 2024
Profilbild für AI Ecosystem Talk (EN): How can we speed up AI innovation and accelerate compliance in the EU?

AI Ecosystem Talk (EN): How can we speed up AI innovation and accelerate compliance in the EU?

Donnerstag, 14. November 2024 13:45 - 14:30 CET Main Forum (vor Ort + Livestream)

ReferentInnen: Kilian Gross, Prof. Philipp Hacker
ModeratorIn: Dr. Patrick Gilroy


Kilian Gross RednerIn

Head of Unit Regulation & Compliance, AI Office
European Commission

Prof. Philipp Hacker RednerIn

European University Viadrina

Profilbild für Dr. Patrick Gilroy

Dr. Patrick Gilroy ModeratorInVeranstalter

Head of AI & Education
TÜV Verband