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Session 1: Technical State of Play - Auditing Trustworthy AI Passed

Friday November 15, 2024 09:20 - 10:20 CET Hybrid Conference

Speakers: Matthias König, Rainer Plaga, Dr. Christoph Poetsch, Prof. Dr. Wojciech Samek, Dr. Arndt von Twickel

Christoph Poetsch/Matthias König  - 

Systematic AI Assessment: 

To systematically assess AI systems, we need a structured approach that provides both an overarching general framework to horizontally structure the field of AI assessment and specific test methods to actually test different AI systems. Additionally, it’s essential to vertically bridge these two aspects, ensuring that they work together cohesively. This talk introduces an AI Assessment Matrix designed to address these challenges, which in addition serves as a key component of the AI Assessment Framework currently being developed by the TÜV AI.Lab. The first part of the presentation will introduce the systematic core ideas of this Matrix as an organisational structure for AI assessment practice. In the second part, the vertical concretisation will be exemplified with regard to the testing dimension of robustness.


Profile image for Matthias König

Matthias König Speaker

AI Solution Architect

Rainer Plaga Speaker


Dr. Christoph Poetsch Speaker

Senior Advisor AI Ethics and Quality

Prof. Dr. Wojciech Samek Speaker

Fraunhofer HHI

Dr. Arndt von Twickel Speaker